► Public WhatsApp groups classification (2020)

Developed Machine Learning models to identify potential spam public groups present in WhatsApp.
Developed a working prototype that can Identify spam groups by the group link.

► File Transfer (2020)

Built working software for server hosting and file transfer over the local network.

► HackRush, IIT Gandhinagar

Participated in HackRush 2018, 2019 & 2020 – IIT Gandhinagar 36 hrs. Hackathon.

2018: Successfully detected vulnerability on the network of IIT Gandhinagar
2019: Developed Email Parsing for management of Institute mails. The tool can segment mail related to Institute Talks and Extract Import information like date, time, venue, speaker.
2020: Developed a Machine Learning model using ARIMA for forecasting Electricity consumption of a household on an hourly basis.

► Extended Image Segmentation (2020)

Developed a more efficient Machine Learning program using Mask R-CNN.
Developed a Realtime Graphical user interface to integrate the model.

► Windows Diagnosing Tool (2020)

Built Diagnosing tool for windows Trash clean-up.

► Lift System (2018)

Created an advanced lift system using the basys3 board.

► Liquid Lens (2019)

Developed a prototype of a model to measure the Refractive index of a transparent liquid.

► Renewable Energy: Effective Solar Panels (2018)

Analyzed the design of solar panels, problems associated with it and made a concept of solar panel solving some of the issues we found like low-cost cleaning mechanism, seasonal sun tracking system, height adjustability, etc.
Made a working prototype of the solar panel.